Distance From Irvine To San Diego. The geographic midpoint between Irvine and Sandiego is in 3817 mi (6143 km) distance between both points in a bearing of 14972° It is located in United States of America Time difference 0h Irvine and Sandiego are both in the same time.
Irvine to San Diego distance driving distance = 85 miles The distance by car is 138 km Follow the Irvine to San Diego driving route along I5 S Get driving directions from Irvine to San Diego flight distance = 77 miles The straight line distance between Irvine and San Diego is 124 kilometers Legal Travel time from Irvine CA to San Diego CA.
Distance Irvine → Sandiego Air line, driving route
How far is it between San Diego and Irvine San Diego is located in United States with (3271531171573) coordinates and Irvine is located in United States with (3366951178231) coordinates The calculated flying distance from San Diego to Irvine is equal to 76 miles which is equal to 123 km If you want to go by car the driving distance between San Diego and Irvine is.
Irvine to San Diego drive plan a road trip
Distance from Irvine CA to San Diego CA Driving distance from Irvine CA to San Diego CA is 85 miles ( 137 km) How far is it from Irvine CA to San Diego CA? It’s a 01 hours 27 minutes drive by car Flight distance is approximately 77 miles ( 124 km) and flight time from Irvine CA to San Diego CA is 09 minutes.
Distance between Irvine, CA and San Diego, CA
The distance between Irvine CA and San Diego CA is 83 mi by car The travel time is 1 hour and 29 minutes Show driving directions 83 mi 1 h 29 min 1 Head east 0 ft 2 Merge left onto San Diego Freeway (I 405) 15 mi 3 Keep right onto San Diego Freeway (I 405) 11 mi 4 Keep right onto San Diego Freeway (I 405) 65 mi 5 Keep right towards Downtown 141 mi 6 Take the.
13836 Torrey Bella Court San Diego Ca 92129 San Diego Ca 92129 Mls 210005163 Redfin
Irvine to San Diego Train Amtrak Tickets C$34 Wanderu
Distance from Irvine, CA to San Diego, CA
car ways to travel Irvine to San Diego 4 via train, bus,
Distance between San Diego, CA and Irvine, CA
line, driving route Distance Sandiego → Irvine Air
Distance from San Diego to Irvine Distance Calculator
Distance from Irvine, CA to San Diego, CA howfar.net
What is the distance from Irvine Ca to San Diego United
Diego is 86 miles Driving distance from Irvine to San
Distance from Irvine, CA to San Diego, TX
The distance is the same either way if you’re flying a straight line (or driving the same roads back and forth) But for a real trip there can be plenty of differences so go ahead and check the reverse directions to get the distance from San Diego to Irvine or go to the main page to calculate the distance between cities.