Komuniti. Welcome to Komuniti Kita Welcome to the world of Komuniti Kita! My name is F8 and I’m your friendly neighbourhood AI robot Let’s follow our friends Ali Aisyah Mary and Chen on their great adventure to achieve their financial aspirations They need your help to achieve their goals! Are you ready to start your adventure?.

Komuniti Wikipedia Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu Ensiklopedia Bebas komuniti
Komuniti Wikipedia Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu Ensiklopedia Bebas from Wikipedia, ensiklopedia bebas

Throughout the game players of ‘Komuniti Kita’ will be able to Solve community problems and remove obstacles by completing simple tasks Collect coins to achieve each character’s financial goal Learn fun facts about takaful through engaging quizzes Set personal and community high scores on the ingame leader boards Current Version 101Size 122MOffered By FWD Takaful Berhad.


Komuniti is a product by FloudWorks designed for all type of communities It has all tools to help community to serve the members better From the background of education based community with hundreds of members the product has been built from scratch and driven by the actual need of the community.

Introducing DRIP DRIP Community Earn 1% a Day, 365% a Year

Komuniti Digital adalah platform digital untuk gerejagereja bahasa Malaysia.


Dasar Komuniti Negara yang telah diluluskan oleh Kabinet pada 23 November 2018 bermatlamat untuk mendaya upaya komuniti di kawasan perumahan khususnya di kawasan perumahan berstrata supaya terlibat secara aktif dalam usaha penyenggaraan dan pengurusan harta awam dan harta bersama Dasar ini juga memberi fokus.

Komuniti Wikipedia Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu Ensiklopedia Bebas

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komuniti ( jamak komunitikomuniti ) kumpulan orang yang tinggal di sesuatu daerah dalam wilayah atau negara masyarakat orang ramai kumpulan atau kelompok individu yang mempunyai ciriciri yang serupa.