Resolume Tutorial. This Resolume Avenue 4 and Arena 4 & 5 tutorial video goes over the basic functionality of loading visuals and video clips using your operating system&#39s file Video Duration 6 minViews 1709KAuthor DocOptic.

Advanced Mask Mode Live Resolume Tutorial resolume tutorial
Advanced Mask Mode Live Resolume Tutorial from STVinMotion

Resolume Video Training 1 Basics This chapter covers the essentials for running a show Load your content apply effects and play it on your 2 Compositing VJ&#39ing is more than throwing some clips on top each other A good VJ thinks about where to place content 3 Color Color is one of the Resolume 5 Video Training 1 Basics This chapter covers the For this we have created the Wire Video Training This.

Course Resolume

Trigger ClipsMixingEffectsHave A Play!Below the menu bar you should see a set of horizontal rows that each have some controls on the left and a set of thumbnails Each thumbnail is a different clip Go ahead and click one of the thumbnails now The clip will start playing Note that these clips are set up to be synchronised to the BPM (Beats Per Minute) setting so the clip may not start playing instantly it will wait for the start of the next bar Don&#39t worry if you want to launch clips instantly you can set them up to do that But first things first You should now see the clip playing in the output window on the left and hear the audio of the clip Awesome You&#39re VJ&#39ing You can take control of the clip that is playing by clicking the Clip tab The Transport section of this tab is the bit we are interested in for now You can use the Forwards Backwards and Pause icons to start and stop the clip You can also grab the moving blue wedge directly to scratch the clip wikka wikka wah! Note that messing with the c Playing one clip is all very well but mixing clips together is where the fun really starts Each of the horizontal rows of clips is a separate layer Each layer can play one clip at a time Try clicking another thumbnail on the same layer as the one that is already playing You will see that at the start of the next bar the output will change to play the new clip Now try clicking a clip from a different layer This time the old clip will continue playing and the new clip will be mixed with it Have a look over to the left of the thumbnails There are two vertical sliders marked &#39A&#39 and &#39V&#39 Try sliding these up and down on the layers that you have playing Logically enough the &#39A&#39 slider fades the audio of the layer in and out The &#39V&#39 slider does the same for video You can also use the &#39M&#39 (master) slider to control both at the same time So we&#39ve got some clips playing Let&#39s mess with them using some effects Over on the right hand side of the interface are some tabs that say &#39Files&#39 &#39Compositions&#39 &#39Effects&#39 and &#39Sources&#39 Select the Effects tab Below the tab will now be a list of effects These are the video effects that are included with Resolume Pick an effect Any effect will do but I recommend Bendoscope as a good one to start with Now drag it over to the left where there is a tab called Composition As you get over there drop the effect in the area where it says &#39Drop effect or mask here&#39 You&#39ll know when you&#39re in the right place when you see four colored corners appear around the Composition tab You should immediately see that the output video has been distorted by the effect Such trippy Now look back to the place where you dropped the effect You will see that there are two sliders under the Bendoscope effect All video effects have the Opacity slider it is used to mix the effected video with Now is a good time to have a play with Resolume Play some clips add some effects See what happens Most of all have fun! A useful feature is the Help window in the bottom right of the interface This will show some brief hints about how to use whatever the mouse pointer is currently over In the other sections of the manual we will be looking in detail at all of the features of Resolume so if you come across anything that interests you you will be able to find out how to use it.

Resolume Arena & Avenue (Tutorial): The Basics of Loading

September 21 2020 Resolume v72 had finally nailed its Recording feature! If once we could record only a short mix in the obsolete PhotoJpeg codec and with dropped frames – now we can record much longer mixes in DXV w/ Alpha (!) or even Prores codecs and it’s smooth really smooth In this tutorial you will learn Why you should use this feature and How to make sure you use it right.

Advanced Mask Mode Live Resolume Tutorial

Resolume Quickstart Tutorial

How To Record Smoothly On Resolume (And Why You Should)

Resolume 4 Avenue & Arena Manual

Once you have a serial number select File > Preferences in Resolume and click the Registration tab Enter your serial number into the text box and click Register Resolume will now use your Internet connection to confirm your serial number with the Resolume registration database.