The Lord Of The Rings Karakter. Aragorn Played by Viggo Mortensen The heir to the throne of Gondor Though Aragorn is the rightful king of Gondor he travels under an assumed identity at the beginning of the trilogy he is a ranger known as Strider Arwen Played by Liv Tyler An elf princess and Aragorn’s future queen Like many characters in the trilogy Arwen must make a sacrifice She must choose between the immortal life of the elves and a mortal life with Aragorn whom she loves Bilbo Played by Ian Holm Frodo’s uncle who possesses the ring at the beginning of the trilogy Bilbo is a playful old hobbit but he is restless and covetous of his ring Boromir Played by Sean Bean The heir to the steward of Gondor More than any other member of the fellowship of the ring Boromir is the victim of desire for the ring.
Unnecessarily Honest Top 5 Things That Should Be On Lebron S Mind from Unnecessarily Honest: Top 5 Things That SHOULD Be On LeBron's Mind
Bilbo Baggins Fredegar Bolger Tom Bombadil Boromir Meriadoc Brandybuck Barliman Butterbur C Celeborn CategoryCharacters that have appeared in the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings.
Category:The Lord of the Rings Characters The One Wiki to
Treebeard Treebeard also called Fangorn is an Ent who befriends Merry and Pippin and proves to be Saruman's downfall Witchking of Angmar The Witchking of Angmar was a leader of Men who was given one of the nine rings of power and became a Ringwraith he is the leader of the Nazgûl Gríma Wormtongue CharacterDescriptionFrodoFrodo Baggins is a hobbit who undertakes SamSamwise Gamgee Frodo's faithful GandalfGandalf also called Mithrandir among AragornAragorn son of Arathorn is a Ranger He.
Karakter The Lord Of The Rings
The fascinating and detailed character sketches take the reader on their own journey into the world.
Unnecessarily Honest Top 5 Things That Should Be On Lebron S Mind
The Lord of the Rings: Character List SparkNotes
The Lord of the Rings Characters Course Hero
The Lord Of The Rings Characters
Karakter Dalam The Lord Of The Rings Frodo Baggins seorang Hobbit yang diwariskan Cincin dari pamannya yang bernama bilbo baggins Samwise Gamgee seorang Hobbit yang bekerja sebagai tukang kebun Frodo Meriadoc Brandybuck (disebut juga Merry) saudara sepupu Frodo Peregrin Took (disebut juga.