Traditional Violin Craftsmanship In Cremona. Traditional violin craftsmanship in Cremona、2012年 鷹狩り、生きた人類の遺産(アイルランド/イタリア/オーストリア/オランダ/クロアチア/スペイン/スロバキア/チェコ/ドイツ/ハンガリー/フランス/ベルギー/ポーランド/ポルトガル/アラブ首長国連邦/カザフスタン/カタール/韓国.
Cremona Triennale The Olympics Of Violin Making Gallery The Strad from
In 2012 the “Traditional violin craftsmanship in Cremona” was declared an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO [10] [11] Internationally the city’s craftsmen are renowned for the unique process used in crafting bowed stringed instruments which are assembled and moulded by hand without using any industrial materials.
Revealed is a synthesis of traditional and modern jazz with electronica influences Treat Me Right Harold says is music for music lovers – an acoustic album featuring classical and pop instrumental styles And Thinker’s Journey is a cerebral take on poppy tunes from various genres Harold Todd is a humble classicallytrained musician who makes classical music cool – an.
Cremona Wikipedia
The Wooden Wagon is a store featuring wooden toys and games from Europe We stock a broad selection of natural European wooden toy animals Ostheimer Waldorf toys building blocks marble runs art and craft supplies Erzgebirge folk art Christmas decorations stuffed animals and natural toys for pretend play.
Cremona Triennale The Olympics Of Violin Making Gallery The Strad
Pearl Flute
Natural Wooden Toys from Europe, German Christmas
無形文化遺産リスト ART+LOGIC=TRAVEL [旅を考えるweb]
The morin khuur (Mongolian морин хуур romanized morin khuur) also known as the horsehead fiddle is a traditional Mongolian bowed stringed instrumentIt is one of the most important musical instruments of the Mongol people and is considered a symbol of the nation of MongoliaThe morin khuur is one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of.